IATI Exclusion Policy


WPP values accountability as well as the right to privacy. Therefore, WPP will publish its project data compliant to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard, for its program “Powerful Agents of Change: Supporting Women’s Resilience for Prevention and Community Security” (September 2016 - December 2017).

WPP embraces the principle “Open, unless…” or “Publication, unless...”. This implies that WPP remains to have the right to exclude project information from publication to IATI if it falls in one of the following categories:

  • Information disclosure affecting relations between partner organization and government/ other NGOs (human rights work or work in conflict affected areas);
  • Detailed specific information affecting and jeopardizing the safety and security of NGO staff, partner staff or beneficiaries;
  • Personal information of individual staff and/or partners;
  • Commercially sensitive information;
  • Information that is exempt under data protection laws or by pre-existing organizational policies.

 The below articles describe in further detail the principles which guide WPP to make decisions to publish only parts of the information or to not publish any information of the activity.

General principles for exclusion

1.1 External relations

WPP does not publish data that might harm the relationship with local governments, authorities, institutions, its partners, individuals or (back) donors. All stakeholders are informed about WPP’s exclusion policy in terms of publishing project data. Stakeholders have a possibility to request exclusion, based on the principles in this exclusion policy. WPP is, at all times, the final decision-maker for the exclusion of data.

1.2 Security and safety

WPP does not publish data of which it can be expected that it might pose a risk to the physical or psychological safety and/or security of any individuals, members of staff, groups of beneficiaries, partners, (back) donors or suppliers.

1.3 Privacy

WPP does not publish any activity information (photos, names, personal information) that is traceable to an individual person and can reasonably be judged as an invasion of the privacy of that person.

1.4 Commercial/ Strategic

WPP does not publish data that might harm the commercial or strategic interests of WPP, its partners, donors or suppliers.

1.5 Legal/ Contractual

WPP will not publish data if it does not have the right to publish the data. WPP will not publish data if WPP does not hold the copyright on particular information or if contractual agreements with (back) donors or partner organizations impede WPP’s right to publish the data.

1.6 Social Impact

WPP does not publish data that possibly harms the social impact of WPP in general or the related project in particular.

1.7 Details

WPP will not publish unnecessarily detailed information such as exact dates and locations. Sensitive activities will be published at the regional level.

1.8  Openness about the exclusion policy

WPP is transparent about the exclusion policy that it applies. This policy will therefore be published on the WPP website. WPP will report all its projects as separate activities mentioning an activity identifier. However, other information might not be included if one or more categories that are mentioned in this exclusion policy apply.

1.9 Published activities

WPP values the quality and consistency of its open data. Therefore WPP will publish only activities data that meet the minimum requirements of secure and liable information. Data that do not meet the minimum requirements will be excluded.

Decision-making on excluding data

WPP has the right to exclude data. The responsibility for excluding information is where the information can be assessed in detail. It is possible to exclude a particular project, specific information fields of the IATI standard and/or specific documents from disclosure in the project administration.

Review of exclusion policy and quality of data

On an annual basis, WPP will review all data excluded from disclosure. It will be reviewed whether data are rightly excluded and whether the exclusion policy is still valid and does not restrict disclosure of data too much. Based on this analysis and recommendations, the exclusion policy might be adjusted on an annual basis.