International Women's Day for Peace & Disarmament

Women have often been at the forefront of peace and disarmament initiatives. With their own unique experience and analysis of armed conflict, they have been dedicated to building a culture of peace within their communities, countries and on an international level. Women are working for peace in many ways, but this rarely gets the attention and focus it deserves.

general logo 2 copyOn International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament - May 24, we celebrate the historic and current efforts of women for peacebuilding and disarmament. The message is clear: we refuse violence as a solution to the world’s challenges. We are working for a just and peaceful world, one that meets human needs, not military ones!

For more than 20 years, WPP, together with its network partners, has been celebrating women's leadership and participation in peace processes on May 24. Over the years, May 24 activities have taken place all over the world, with various activities taking place worldwide, ranging from public panel discussions, publications and film screenings to community theatre and peace marches. In 2014, this day was celebrated worldwide with over 10 activities taking place all over the world, organized by WPP members (click for an overview here). In 2015, over 17 events took place around the world. For an impression of all the events happening, as well as pictures, read "May 24: A Global Celebration"

For 2016, everybody can join this celebration! We kindly invite you to join us in this worldwide celebration by organizing your own event/action/initiative to raise awareness on women’s dedication and contributions to building cultures of peace! Let us know if and how you will be celebrating May 24 – are you writing an article, will you organize a workshop, film screening, panel discussion, peace march or will you be raising awareness online? You can also look into activities already taking place around May 24, and add a May 24 component to it.

Read the May 24 Action Brief for more information, the history and inspiration for May 24 activities! Download the Brief here

If you are planning to organize anything for May 24, please email

May 24 Events in 2015


For 2015, more than 17 activities took place to celebrate International Women's Day for Peace & Disarmament. We have collected impressions of the various activities worldwide in the column "May 24: A Global Celebration".

We have been particularly excited about our participation in the 2015 Women's Walk for Peace in Korea. Click here for more information about WPP's Participation in the 2015 Women Walk for Peace in Korea

Below and overview of all the activities planned for 2015.

Public discussion "Women & Peacebuilding: Step Forward or Step Back?" & Selfie campaign

Yuva, an organization based in Baku, Azerbaijan, organizes a public discussion on May 24 specifically for girls and youth, to take place in their girls center. They expect 25-30 participants. Simultaneously, they will ask participants, and there partners of the organization, to write a key message about women and peace on a piece of paper and take a 'selfie' with the piece of paper, to be published on social media. We will share the pictures!

Public debate "Let the our voices heard"

On the occasion of May 24, the NGO's Skils (Croatia) and Voice of Women (Bosnia-Herzegovina) jointly organized a public debate "let our voices be heard", about the peace work of women in the region. The debate took place at the Law Faculity of the University of Bihać on May 23. Shura Dumanić and Elvedin Sedić, were key speakers at the debate.


May 24 Workshop on Women's Efforts in Peace and Disarmament

ANTAR Society for Development will organize a workshop in the Feni district of Bangladesh on the occasion of International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament. 

May 24 Prayer Event

One of our local grantee partners of the Ecumenical Women's Initiative is organizing a prayer event in Zagreb, Croatia. The Croatian Section of the Ecumenical Society of Women in Theological Research was inspired by the WPP Call for Participation, disseminated through the EWI network, and sister Milka Zecevic-Tadic prepared a prayer for May 24. The event will start at noon on May 24th in their community they will pray a prayer specially written for the occasion and in this way will be connected with all the peace activists and victims of war. A press release and part of the prayer will be presented on the EWI network and on

Democratic Republic of Congo
1. Movie screening and discussion Women, Peace & Security

Building on the success of last years May 24 events, the Congo Men's Network (COMEN) will be organizing movie screenings and panel discussion on Women, Peace and Security in Goma and several other places in the DRC. More information will follow soon!

2. Public action with IDP's about the importance of women's voices in peace processes

La Ligue pour la Solidarite Congolaise organizes several activities in North Kivu to address the presence of many armed groups in the region. Together with women, they will reflect on women's role in achieving peace in the region, where IDP's will also be able to share their experiences with violence and armed conflict.

Film Screening Women, War & Peace DVD

MOVEfiji (Men Opposing Violence Everywhere - Fiji) will facilitate a movie screening and discussion in relation to the theme of May 24 in Suva, Fiji.

Two High-Level meetings on Implementation Iraq National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325

The Women's Empowerment Organization organizes a meeting in Erbil with representatives from the government, parliament, the women's high council and NGO's about the implementation of the Iraq National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325. A similiar meeting will also take place in Baghdad, in cooperation with the NGO INAP 1325 group and with support of EFI. More information about the Women Empowerment Organization can be found on their website.

1. Women, Peace & Democracy Film Festival

On May 24, SAMYAK will be organizing the 'Women Peace & Democracy' Film Festival, in Pune.

2. Debate: The Role of Culture in Gender-Based Violence

WIC India organizes on May 24 a debate on the role of culture in gender based violence. All are welcome to join this interactive event. Click here for the invitation.

2015 Women's Walk For Peace in Korea

On May 24, 2015, thirty international women peacemakers from around the world, amongst others WPP International Advisory Council Member Netsai Mushonga, will walk with Korean women, north and south, to call for an end to the Korean War and for a new beginning for a reunified Korea. The hope is to cross the 2-mile wide De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) that separates millions of Korean families as a symbolic act of peace.

More information about this inspiring event, visit the Women Cross DMZ webpage

Awareness raising on UNSCR 1325

ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality will organize several activities in the ABAAD Mid Way Houses for the occasion of May 24. These activities will aim at raising awareness with women and local communities about UNSCR 1325 and its application in practice. 

Launch Trust Fund and News Article on Women's Security 

IHRICON and MenEngage Alliance Nepal have celebrated the International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament with the following activities: 
1. On May 24, a trust fund was launched, in cooperation with Motherland Nepal and the Federation of Nepalese Journalists, to encourage journalists to write about the concept of engagement of men and boys for gender equality. Motherland Nepal donates 1 million Nepalese Roepies as a seed fund, to be used as stipend and prize for the journalists who write high quality stories on the theme. Federation of Nepalese Journalists, MenEngage Alliance Nepal, and Sancharika Samuha, a group of women journalists, will take part in the jury to select prize winners.
2. Publishing an article, written by WPP Alumni Kapil Kafle, on the women's security during the period of the earthquake and its aftermath. The title of the article is "Vulnerability of Women's Security during Earthquake" (in Nepalese).

1. Dialogue Sessions on Women, Peace & Security

MIFTAH, a Palestinian based organization, will organize 15 dialogue sessions in 6 districts of the West Bank from May 24-June 12, for women to discuss their role in peacebuilding and preventing armed conflict. The sessions will present the film of 'Pray the Devil Back to Hell'. The dialogue sessions will provide a platform for participants to discuss women's role in peace building strategies, how they organize themselves and how they overcome obstacles. This will allow women to realize their strength in confronting conflict in their community and in peacebuilding and hence act as advocate for reconciliation and conflict resolution. The aim is to have over 60 women participate. After that, MIFTAH and UNDP will organize a conference on "Women's call for immediate national reconciliation in Palestine". It will take place on 15 June, 2015.

2. Political symposium in Tulkarm and public awareness actions in Tulkram and Nablus

The Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy (PCPD) is planning a series of activities on the 23rd and 24th May, to celebrate the International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament. The aim of the proposed activities is to shed light on the role of the Palestinian women in building a culture of peace within their communities, and how they can convey this role to the public in general and to the decision  makers in particular. On May 23, they will organize a political symposium in Tulkarm, on the role of women in peace and reconciliation, the political situation, the UN Resolution 1325 and CEDAW. On May 24, after disseminating posters in Nablus, they will have a stand in the Martyer’s Circle in Nablus, holding slogans and sheets asking to implement CEDAW, in addition to giving the chance to the citizens to give their opinions and suggestions. They will also be featured on two local TV channels.

1. Workshop on Gender and Disarmament for Teachers & Poster International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament

On May 23 till May 30, a large poster (tarpaulin) can be seen from Katipunan Avenue, containing the message: "Violence is not a solution to the world’s problems. #InternationalWomen’sDayforPeaceandDisarmament". The poster is an initiative of We ACT 1325 and the Center for Peace Education of the Miriam College. On may 25, the Center for Peace Education will also be organizing a workshop on Gender and Disarmament. 

2. Movie screening and discussion

WPP ToT alumni Paulo Baleinakorodawa will facilitate a movie screening and discussion in relation to the theme of May 24 at the Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute in Davao City.

The Netherlands
Women Peacemakers Program: Teaser Articles May 24 Pack "Women, Peace & Security: Business as Usual?"

The 2015 May 24 Pack will focus on the theme “Women, Peace & Security: Business as Usual?”, highlighting the impact of the ‘private’ sector on the implementation of the Women, Peace & Security agenda. This year, the May 24 publication will not be launched during May, but during October 2015, to coincide with the 15th anniversary of UNSCR 1325. On May 24 itself, we will be publishing teaser articles from the pack via WPP’s website and social media!

Here is an overview of the five teaser articles:Business as usual logo





Column: 20th Anniversary of May 24 Celebrations

Have you marked May 24 in your agenda? On this special day, we celebrate International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament all over the world. For WPP, it will be the 20th time that we are celebrating this special day! Over the years, May 24 has developed into a worldwide celebration of the dedication and actions of women to build a culture of peace in their communities, country and globally. Read this blog for stories from past and planned events, and inspiration for your own celebration. Read the Column

WPP Newsletter Cross the Lines

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