
We are activists that work for the nonviolent resolution of conflict, and the inclusion of women’s voice and leadership in such conflict resolution processes. Since 1997, we have built up an extensive network, consisting of grassroots activists as well as national, regional and international organizations, which cooperate with WPP as a Network or Institutional partner.

The following values inspire our work:


Inspired by feminist theory, we work on the basis of a holistic gender analysis of violence, war and peace. This includes incorporating a masculinities perspective in our gender lens. We believe firmly that without gender equality, there cannot be sustainable peace for women nor men; and without women's leadership and men’s support, there cannot be gender equality.

Active Nonviolence

We believe in the power of bringing people together – “People Power” – and empowering communities for nonviolent analysis and action to address injustice and conflict. We oppose any armed and militarist interventions to address conflict, and advocate for nonviolent solutions to achieve sustainable peace for all.

Community Building

Nonviolent change draws on the power of people coming together and standing united for the same goal. WPP finds it important to invest in the building of a strong and diverse community of changemakers, who work together in an equal partnership that is based on trust, transparency, inclusion, reciprocity and mutuality. 


In order for our work to be relevant, we believe it is important to be a learning-oriented organization. We find it important to continually evaluate our work and invest in innovative concepts and activities based on lessons learned. Our ideas and activities are always informed by, and developed with, our network partners.

Based on our values, we aim to provide an alternative voice that is rooted in people’s realities, aspirations and needs, and seek constructive dialogue and cooperation with others to achieve our mission and vision together. We operate our values at all levels of our work; they inform our daily work principles, the setting of our activist agenda, the implementation of our activities, and our mobilizing. It is all about walking the talk!

How do we do this? By disseminating gender-sensitive active nonviolence as an analytical and mobilizing tool via short and long-term capacity building programs, via our documentation & outreach work, and by joining national and global lobby & advocacy efforts for the advancement of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and related resolutions in the field of Women, Peace and Security.

Read about our activities in the WPP Activities section. 

Global consultation

From a WPP Trainee

“There are many specificities of WPP that are worth of mentioning and that distinct it from other groups: though having a physical base in the North, being very much driven by the agenda from South. A philosophy of work that is holistic, including a focus on the intersectionality of issues around peacebuilding, and remaining rooted in the feminist values. A strong belief in partnership based on the very value of equality. Taking along the group, believing that this process will produce results that have larger ownership. Not fearing failure but be ready to let it go if it requires. I strongly believe that as WPP grows, the partnerships will also grow. All the best wishes for the wonderful work, keep it up!”

Babar Bashir, Rozan - Pakistan