Mission & Vision

Established in 1997, the Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) supports women’s leadership in peacebuilding, and advocates for the integration of a gender perspective in peacebuilding processes.

The Women Peacemakers Program’s vision is of a world where women and men work together through gender-sensitive active nonviolence, to build communities where people co-exist peacefully.

Our mission is to transform conflict through Gender-Sensitive Active Nonviolence.

In line with our mission, our core activities are:

  • Providing gender-sensitive nonviolence education and training for female and male peacemakers;
  • Connecting peacemakers from all over the world, from local, national, to regional and global level, in support of joint reflection and the development of innovative initiatives for gender-sensitive peacebuilding;
  • Raising awareness on the importance of integrating a gender perspective in peace processes, by means of dissemination of WPP publications as well as the latest available resources, organizing public events, and engaging in national and global lobby and advocacy efforts.

Read about our activities in the WPP Activities section.

Since 2000, WPP advocates for the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 and relating resolutions in the field of Women, Peace and Security (WPS). UNSCR 1325 was adopted unanimously by UN Members States during October 2000, and is unique for being the first UN Security Council Resolution highlighting the role of gender in conflict; calling for the recognition of, and active inclusion of, women in conflict prevention and peace building processes.

Click here for the text of UNSCR 1325 and other resolutions in the field of WPS. 


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