Announcement WPP CSW58 event

19 Feb '14

The Women Peacemakers Program is happy to invite you for our CSW58 Panel Discussion in New York:

"Involving Religious Leaders in Women's Rights Work: Innovative Practices and Challenges from the Field"


Invitation panel discussion


A Panel Discussion jointly organized by the Women Peacemakers Program, The City College of New York, Ecumenical Women's Initiative, ABAAD - Resource Centre for Gender Equality, and Cordaid, hosted by the Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to the UN in New York.

Opening speech by Minister Lilianne Ploumen, Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.

Practical Information:

2 - 3.15 PM, March 11
Venue: Permanent Mission of the Netherlands (NYC)
666 Third Avenue, 19th floor, between 42nd and 43rd street
RSVP to:

Event Highlights:

  • The panel discussion will highlight challenges and opportunities at play when working with religious leaders for the advancement of the gender equality agenda.
  • The speakers will provide an overview of global trends & developments in terms of religious fundamentalism and efforts undertaken by civil society to address it.
  • The event will showcase three case studies (Balkans, Lebanon, Regional), thereby focusing on innovative practices successes and lessons learned in terms of working for gender equality and women's rights in religiously diverse as well as (post-)conflict settings.
  • Upon a discussion with the audience, the meeting will conclude with a list of key action recommendations in light of the Post 2015 Development Agenda.






Conference Report: "Financial Inclusion for Freedom and Security"

12 Dec '17 Today, we are pleased to share with you the Conference Report “Financial Inclusion for Freedom and Security” by the Women Peacemakers Program, Duke Law International Human Rights Clinic, Human Security Collective, Transnational Institute, the Charity & Security Network, in cooperation with the Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law.

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After 20 years, WPP closes its doors

7 Dec '17 Today, on the 13th day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign, we bring you the sad news that from 15 December onwards, the Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) will have to close its doors. We would like to ask for your time to read what has driven us to make this decision.

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Event Summary: Pulling the Rug from Under Civil Society’s Feet - We Must Create Our Own Rugs!

7 Nov '17 On Thursday, 26 October 2017, a side event entitled, “Pulling the Rug from Under Our Feet: What is the UNSCR 1325 Without Civil Society Freedoms?” was hosted on the margins of the 17th anniversary of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325. The event was hosted by the Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) and the Dutch Mission, in collaboration with Duke Law’s International Human Rights Clinic, Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development, Arab Women Organisation of Jordan, NOVACT, Free Sight Association, Iraqi Al-Amal Association, Women Empowerment Organisation, NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. This article briefly looks at the main issues discussed during the event.

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