Leila Yunus Nominated for Human Rights Tulip: Vote for Her Now!

29 Sep '14

Leyla Yunus Tulip copyAzerbaijani human rights activist Leyla Yunus is among the nominations for the Netherlands Human Rights Tulip 2014. Your vote for Leyla is crucial to make sure her voice calling for peace, human rights and justice across borders will not be silenced!

You can cast you vote for Leyla’s nomination for the Human Rights Tulip.

Leyla Yunus is a pioneering woman human rights defender with a strong track record in peacebuilding and human rights defense. She has been involved in protecting political prisoners, defending women’s rights, combating torture, corruption, human trafficking, and property rights violations, as well as monitoring court proceedings, both in Azerbaijan as beyond national borders. She has been also involved in several activities of the Women Peacemakers Program (WPP). Her outspokenness and ability to generate broad awareness on human rights violations, most recently by speaking out against human rights violations in relation to international events hosted by Azerbaijan (Eurovision Song Festival (2012) and the First European Olympic Games (2015)) have resulted in her arrest and detention (since July 30, 2014) by the Azerbaijan authorities. Five days later her husband Arif was also detained, leaving them both to face inhumane conditions in prison.

Stand with Leyla and support her nomination for the Human Rights Tulip! The Human Rights Tulip will be a recognition for the innovative work of Leyla as a woman human rights activist and her dedication to justice. It will also be a call for support against the inhumane conditions Leyla is facing in prison, being denied access to legal counseling, healthcare and proper food. Moreover, the award will raise awareness on the 98 political prisoners in Azerbaijan - including Leyla as the only woman, and her husband Arif Yunus - and the political pressure human rights activists in Azerbaijan, as all over the world, are facing.

Vote for Leyla’s nomination and share it widely with your network! 



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Azerbaijani human rights activist Leila Yunus is nominated for the Dutch Human Rights Tulip. Your vote is crucial to support Leyla’s innovative work for human rights, peace & justice and demand her release as political prisoner. Vote for Her Now: http://ow.ly/C42rS


- Support the nomination of woman human rights defender Leyla Yunus for #HumanRightstulip http://ow.ly/C42rS
- #LeylaYunus already 60 days in Azerbaijan jail for her human rights work. Vote for her #Humanrightstulip http://ow.ly/C42rS
- Voting for #LeylaYunus is taking a stance against oppression towards human rights activists #Humanrightstulip http://ow.ly/C42rS
- #LeylaYunus is 1 of 98 political prisoners in Azerbaijan, and the only woman. Vote for her #Humanrightstulip http://ow.ly/C42rS
- Leyla defended 97 prisoners of conscience in Azerbaijan. She paid for this with her freedom. Support Leyla http://ow.ly/C42rS
- Support Human Rights in Azerbaijan and Vote for #LeylaYunus! http://ow.ly/C42rS


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