Overcoming Violence: Exploring Masculinities, Violence, and Peacebuilding

In a response to women's voices in the field, the Women Peacemakers Program initiated a pilot Training of Trainers cycle for 19 male peace activists from 17 different countries in 2009 / 2010, entitled "Overcoming Violence: Exploring Masculinities, Violence, and Peacebuilding".

Upon returning home from that first training block, each of the male participants was linked to a female support person ("ally") from his own region and/or country who supported him in the development and implementation of his follow-up plan.

The ToT focused on the theory and practice of active nonviolence; facilitation and group dynamics; participatory teaching methods; conceptualizing gender and diversity; leadership; women's rights; important international instruments such as United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR) 1325, 1820, 1888 and 1889; an introduction to and analysis of masculinities; and lobbying and advocacy.

This is a short video on the development and rationale of the ToT. Click here for the extended video (23 minutes).