Sophie Toupin on linking community mobilization to UNSCR 1325


About the video

Reflecting on the roots of her own activism, Sophie Toupin talks about media as a tool for development, empowerment and self-organization. She also looks at the importance of “the collective” in achieving social change, especially with regards to implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda. She currently works for Media@McGill, a hub for research and scholarship on media, technology and culture at McGill University in Montreal.

This video is part of a series of 10 personal stories from women and men from around the world who work on gender-sensitive peacebuilding within their own communities. These stories are part of the joint action research project ‘Candid Voices from the Field: Obstacles to Delivering Transformative Change within the Women, Peace and Security Agenda’, coordinated by the Women Peacemakers Program (WPP), the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), and Cordaid. The aim is to uncover the deep-rooted issues that hamper women’s participation in peace efforts. Those interviewed participated in a global consultation meeting for the project that took place in The Hague from June 30 to July 2, 2015. The publication of our findings will be launched on October 23, 2015 in New York, coinciding with the anniversary of UNSCR 1325.

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Read more about the Global Consultation
Read more about the Action Research

Netsai Mushonga on active nonviolence as an element of women’s activism for peace

Netsai Mushonga speaks on active nonviolence as an element of women’s activism for peace in this powerful video. She argues for a definition of peace that is not restricted to the absence of war, but also includes the elimination of militarization and violence in all levels of society.

Watch the video

Netsai video Candid Voices