Press release: Launch May 24 Publication

4 Jul '14

Press Release

Launch WPP Annual May 24 Publication

Gender & Militarism: Analyzing the Links to Strategize for Peace

Read the May 24 pack on Gender & Militarism

book launchThe Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) is happy to announce the launch of its annual May 24 publication “Gender and Militarism: Analyzing the Links to Strategize for Peace”. This May 24 Pack comprises of 23 articles written by leading academics, pioneering women peace activists and civil society representatives from all over the world, critically reflecting on the links between gender & militarism from multiple perspectives. The launch took place at the end of WPP’s Global Consultation on Gender and Militarism, taking place from July 2-4 in Cape Town, South Africa.

For already more than ten years, WPP celebrates May 24  – International Women’s Day for Peace & Disarmament, with the launch of the annual May 24 Action Pack, emphasizing the importance of women’s participation in, and leadership during peace processes. This year’s pack is a collection of academic articles, personal testimonies and civil society initiatives advocating for awareness and action around the multi-layered connections between gender and militarism, and highlighting gender-sensitive nonviolent action (people power) as a powerful alternative to address conflict. It contains contributions from, among others, Cynthia Cockburn, Cynthia Enloe, Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls and the Center of Women’s Global Leadership about the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign.

“With this unique collection of articles we aim to contribute to the many conversations and debates on Women, Peace and Security. From this publication we learn that if we want to achieve sustainable peace, we have to take the experiences of women seriously and need to invest in nonviolent alternatives to address conflict.” Isabelle Geuskens, Executive Director, Women Peacemakers Program

logo def“This May 24 Pack is an important resource for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. The articles illustrate how militarism, as a system of structural violence, violates human rights and the dignity, safety, and security of women, men and children worldwide.” Zarin Hamid, Coordinator Gender-Based Violence Program, Center for Women’s Global Leadership.

The launch of the May 24 Action Pack marked the end of the 2,5 day WPP Global Consultation on Gender & Militarism. This Consultation brought together key stakeholders from Asia, Africa, North America, Latin America, the Middle East and Europe to discuss and analyze the links between Gender & Militarism. The outcomes will contribute to broadening the current Women, Peace and Security agenda, including UN Security Council Resolution 1325.

Read the publication

Media contact:

Sophie Schellens:

The press release in pdf


Conference Report: "Financial Inclusion for Freedom and Security"

12 Dec '17 Today, we are pleased to share with you the Conference Report “Financial Inclusion for Freedom and Security” by the Women Peacemakers Program, Duke Law International Human Rights Clinic, Human Security Collective, Transnational Institute, the Charity & Security Network, in cooperation with the Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law.

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After 20 years, WPP closes its doors

7 Dec '17 Today, on the 13th day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign, we bring you the sad news that from 15 December onwards, the Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) will have to close its doors. We would like to ask for your time to read what has driven us to make this decision.

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Event Summary: Pulling the Rug from Under Civil Society’s Feet - We Must Create Our Own Rugs!

7 Nov '17 On Thursday, 26 October 2017, a side event entitled, “Pulling the Rug from Under Our Feet: What is the UNSCR 1325 Without Civil Society Freedoms?” was hosted on the margins of the 17th anniversary of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325. The event was hosted by the Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) and the Dutch Mission, in collaboration with Duke Law’s International Human Rights Clinic, Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development, Arab Women Organisation of Jordan, NOVACT, Free Sight Association, Iraqi Al-Amal Association, Women Empowerment Organisation, NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. This article briefly looks at the main issues discussed during the event.

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